We Are Not a Color Blind Nation

I usually fret that not many people read my writing here. I might be glad that only a few read this post. I have voted in every election since I became of age. The only blemish is a single topic special election recently. Over the past few months, I’ve been working to help my friend Tom McKenna in his attempt to win the Indiana Democratic party’s nomination for Secretary of State.

The convention is today. I’m sitting in the Black Caucus right now and I must tell you that race is not dead in America. It’s amazing how a candidate’s color becomes the single driving issue for people of color.

As long as minorities look at color as a determinant in elections, we can never expect the majority to ignore it.

Let’s all elect our candidates based on their merit. Color may weigh in for us, but it should not be the sole factor. That can only lead to bad government in the long run.